Function chiSquareObs

Given two vectors of observations of jointly distributed variables x, y, tests the null hypothesis that values in x are independent of the corresponding values in y. This is done using Pearson's Chi-Square Test. For a similar test that assumes the data has already been tabulated into a contingency table, see chiSquareContingency.

TestRes chiSquareObs(T, U) (
  T x,
  U y
if (isInputRange!T && isInputRange!U);

x and y must both be input ranges. If they are not the same length, a DstatsArgumentException is thrown.


// Test whether the appearance of "foo" vs. "bar" is independent of the
// appearance of "baz" vs. "xxx".
auto x = ["foo", "bar", "bar", "foo", "foo"];
auto y = ["xxx", "baz", "baz", "xxx", "baz"];
auto result = chiSquareObs(x, y);

// This is equivalent to:
auto contingency = new uint[][](2, 2);
foreach(i; 0..x.length) {
    immutable index1 = (x[i] == "foo");
    immutable index2 = (y[i] == "xxx");

auto result2 = chiSquareContingency(contingency);