gegs - multiple declarations
Function gegs
Computes the generalized eigenvalues, Schur form, and left and/or right Schur vectors for a pair of nonsymmetric matrices
void gegs
char jobvsl,
char jobvsr,
int n,
float* a,
int lda,
float* b,
int ldb,
float* alphar,
float* alphai,
float* betav,
float* vsl,
int ldvsl,
float* vsr,
int ldvsr,
float* work,
int lwork,
ref int info
Function gegs
void gegs
char jobvsl,
char jobvsr,
int n,
double* a,
int lda,
double* b,
int ldb,
double* alphar,
double* alphai,
double* betav,
double* vsl,
int ldvsl,
double* vsr,
int ldvsr,
double* work,
int lwork,
ref int info
Function gegs
void gegs
char jobvsl,
char jobvsr,
int n,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* a,
int lda,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* b,
int ldb,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* alphav,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* betav,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* vsl,
int ldvsl,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* vsr,
int ldvsr,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* work,
int lwork,
float* rwork,
ref int info
Function gegs
void gegs
char jobvsl,
char jobvsr,
int n,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* a,
int lda,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* b,
int ldb,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* alphav,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* betav,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* vsl,
int ldvsl,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* vsr,
int ldvsr,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* work,
int lwork,
double* rwork,
ref int info