gesdd - multiple declarations
Function gesdd
Computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a general rectangular matrix using divide-and-conquer.
void gesdd
char jobz,
int m,
int n,
float* a,
int lda,
float* s,
float* u,
int ldu,
float* vt,
int ldvt,
float* work,
int lwork,
int* iwork,
ref int info
Function gesdd
void gesdd
char jobz,
int m,
int n,
double* a,
int lda,
double* s,
double* u,
int ldu,
double* vt,
int ldvt,
double* work,
int lwork,
int* iwork,
ref int info
Function gesdd
void gesdd
char jobz,
int m,
int n,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* a,
int lda,
float* s,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* u,
int ldu,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* vt,
int ldvt,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* work,
int lwork,
float* rwork,
int* iwork,
ref int info
Function gesdd
void gesdd
char jobz,
int m,
int n,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* a,
int lda,
double* s,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* u,
int ldu,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* vt,
int ldvt,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* work,
int lwork,
double* rwork,
int* iwork,
ref int info