hseqr - multiple declarations
Function hseqr
Computes the eigenvalues and Schur factorization of an upper Hessenberg matrix, using the multishift QR algorithm.
void hseqr
char job,
char compz,
int n,
int ilo,
int ihi,
float* h,
int ldh,
float* wr,
float* wi,
float* z,
int ldz,
float* work,
int lwork,
ref int info
Function hseqr
void hseqr
char job,
char compz,
int n,
int ilo,
int ihi,
double* h,
int ldh,
double* wr,
double* wi,
double* z,
int ldz,
double* work,
int lwork,
ref int info
Function hseqr
void hseqr
char job,
char compz,
int n,
int ilo,
int ihi,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* h,
int ldh,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* w,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* z,
int ldz,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* work,
int lwork,
ref int info
Function hseqr
void hseqr
char job,
char compz,
int n,
int ilo,
int ihi,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* h,
int ldh,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* w,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* z,
int ldz,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* work,
int lwork,
ref int info