tgsen - multiple declarations
Function tgsen
Reorders the generalized real Schur decomposition of a real matrix pair (A, B) so that a selected cluster of eigenvalues appears in the leading diagonal blocks of the upper quasi-triangular matrix A and the upper triangular B.
void tgsen
int ijob,
int wantq,
int wantz,
int select,
int n,
float* a,
int lda,
float* b,
int ldb,
float* alphar,
float* alphai,
float* betav,
float* q,
int ldq,
float* z,
int ldz,
int m,
float* pl,
float* pr,
float* dif,
float* work,
int lwork,
int* iwork,
int liwork,
ref int info
Function tgsen
void tgsen
int ijob,
int wantq,
int wantz,
int select,
int n,
double* a,
int lda,
double* b,
int ldb,
double* alphar,
double* alphai,
double* betav,
double* q,
int ldq,
double* z,
int ldz,
int m,
double* pl,
double* pr,
double* dif,
double* work,
int lwork,
int* iwork,
int liwork,
ref int info
Function tgsen
void tgsen
int ijob,
int wantq,
int wantz,
int select,
int n,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* a,
int lda,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* b,
int ldb,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* alphav,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* betav,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* q,
int ldq,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* z,
int ldz,
int m,
float* pl,
float* pr,
float* dif,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* work,
int lwork,
int* iwork,
int liwork,
ref int info
Function tgsen
void tgsen
int ijob,
int wantq,
int wantz,
int select,
int n,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* a,
int lda,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* b,
int ldb,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* alphav,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* betav,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* q,
int ldq,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* z,
int ldz,
int m,
double* pl,
double* pr,
double* dif,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* work,
int lwork,
int* iwork,
int liwork,
ref int info