tgsja - multiple declarations
Function tgsja
void tgsja
char jobu,
char jobv,
char jobq,
int m,
int p,
int n,
int k,
int l,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* a,
int lda,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* b,
int ldb,
double* tola,
double* tolb,
double* alphav,
double* betav,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* u,
int ldu,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* v,
int ldv,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* q,
int ldq,
std .complex .Complex!(double)* work,
int ncycle,
ref int info
Function tgsja
Computes the generalized singular value decomposition of two real upper triangular (or trapezoidal) matrices as output by SGGSVP.
void tgsja
char jobu,
char jobv,
char jobq,
int m,
int p,
int n,
int k,
int l,
float* a,
int lda,
float* b,
int ldb,
float* tola,
float* tolb,
float* alphav,
float* betav,
float* u,
int ldu,
float* v,
int ldv,
float* q,
int ldq,
float* work,
int ncycle,
ref int info
Function tgsja
void tgsja
char jobu,
char jobv,
char jobq,
int m,
int p,
int n,
int k,
int l,
double* a,
int lda,
double* b,
int ldb,
double* tola,
double* tolb,
double* alphav,
double* betav,
double* u,
int ldu,
double* v,
int ldv,
double* q,
int ldq,
double* work,
int ncycle,
ref int info
Function tgsja
void tgsja
char jobu,
char jobv,
char jobq,
int m,
int p,
int n,
int k,
int l,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* a,
int lda,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* b,
int ldb,
float* tola,
float* tolb,
float* alphav,
float* betav,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* u,
int ldu,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* v,
int ldv,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* q,
int ldq,
std .complex .Complex!(float)* work,
int ncycle,
ref int info