Function sgeevx_

Computes the eigenvalues and left and right eigenvectors of a general matrix, with preliminary balancing of the matrix, and computes reciprocal condition numbers for the eigenvalues and right eigenvectors.

extern(C) void sgeevx_ (
  char* balanc,
  char* jobvl,
  char* jobvr,
  char* sense,
  int* n,
  float* a,
  int* lda,
  float* wr,
  float* wi,
  float* vl,
  int* ldvl,
  float* vr,
  int* ldvr,
  int* ilo,
  int* ihi,
  float* scale,
  float* abnrm,
  float* rconde,
  float* rcondv,
  float* work,
  int* lwork,
  int* iwork,
  int* info,
  int balanc_len,
  int jobvl_len,
  int jobvr_len,
  int sense_len