Function sgges_
Computes the generalized eigenvalues, Schur form, and left and/or right Schur vectors for a pair of nonsymmetric matrices
extern(C) void sgges_
char* jobvsl,
char* jobvsr,
char* sort,
extern(C) int function(float*, float*, float*) selctg,
int* n,
float* a,
int* lda,
float* b,
int* ldb,
int* sdim,
float* alphar,
float* alphai,
float* betav,
float* vsl,
int* ldvsl,
float* vsr,
int* ldvsr,
float* work,
int* lwork,
int* bwork,
int* info,
int jobvsl_len,
int jobvsr_len,
int sort_len