Function integrate
Integrate a function from a
to b
Result!Real integrate(Func, Real)
scope Func f,
Real a,
Real b,
Real epsRel = cast(Real)1e-06,
Real epsAbs = cast(Real)0
This module contains a lot of different integration routines, and
aims to be a simple interface to some of
these. Currently, it only calls the integrateQAGS()
routines, but this may change in the future.
In particular, it should take into account whether a function
is oscillatory, if it has discontinuities and singularities in
the integration interval, and so on.
Name | Description |
f | The function to integrate. This can be given as a
function pointer, a delegate, or a struct/class
which defines opCall() . |
a | The lower limit of integration. |
b | The upper limit of integration. |
epsRel | (optional) The requested relative accuracy. |
epsAbs | (optional) The requested absolute accuracy. |
This function is different from the other integrateXXX()
in this module in that it allows a
and b
to take on the special
values Real
and -Real
, where Real
is the
floating-point type being used.
// Let's integrate the function
// log(x)
// f(x) = ----------
// 2
// 1 + 100 x
// from x=0 to x=infinity.
real f(real x) { return log(x)/(1 + 100*x*x); }
auto result = integrate(&f, 0.0L, real .infinity, 0.001L);
real exact = -PI * log(10.0)/20.0;
assert (abs(result .value - exact) < result .error);