Function integrateQAWC
Calculate a Cauchy principal value integral.
Result!Real integrateQAWC(Func, Real)
scope Func f,
Real a,
Real b,
Real c,
Real epsRel = cast(Real)1e-06,
Real epsAbs = cast(Real)0
Use this to calculate the integral of f(x)/(x-c)
over the finite
interval (a
), where f(x)
is smooth on the entire
interval and c
is not one of the endpoints.
The strategy is globally adaptive. Modified
Clenshaw–Curtis integration is used on those intervals containing the point
x = c
// Integrate cos(x-1)/(x-1) over the interval (0,3)
real f(real x) { return cos(x-1); }
auto i = integrateQAWC(&f, 0.0L, 3.0L, 1.0L, 1e-15L);