Function solve
Solve one or more systems of n linear equations in n variables.
Real[] solve(MatrixViewA, Real)
const MatrixViewA a,
const Real[] b,
Real[] buffer = null
if (isMatrixView!MatrixViewA && isFortranType!Real);
MatrixViewB solve(MatrixViewA, MatrixViewB)
const MatrixViewA a,
const MatrixViewB b
if (isMatrixView!MatrixViewA && isMatrixView!(MatrixViewB, Storage .General));
The set of equations is given on the form AX=B, where A is an n-by-n matrix and X and B are either vectors of length n (one system of n equations in n variables) or n-by-m matrices (m systems of n equations in n variables). Given A and B as input, this function returns X.
Solving a system of equations:
MatrixView!double a = ...
double[] b = ...
double[] x = solve(a, b);
Solving several systems of equations:
MatrixView!double a = ...
MatrixView!double b = ...
MatrixView!double x = solve(a, b);