Function bisect
Use bisection to find the point where the given predicate goes from returning false to returning true.
Tuple!(T,"xTrue",T,"xFalse",R,"fTrue",R,"fFalse") bisect(F, T, R)
scope F f,
bool delegate(T, R) predicate,
T xTrue,
T xFalse,
T xTolerance,
int maxIterations = 40
Tuple!(T,"xTrue",T,"xFalse",R,"fTrue",R,"fFalse") bisect(F, T, R)
scope F f,
bool delegate(T, R) predicate,
T xTrue,
T xFalse,
R fTrue,
R fFalse,
T xTolerance,
int maxIterations = 40
if (isFloatingPoint!T && isFloatingPoint!R);
Name | Description |
f | The function. |
predicate | The predicate, which must take a point and the function value at that point and return a boolean. |
xTrue | A point where the predicate is true. |
xFalse | A point where the predicate is false. |
fTrue | (optional) The value of f at xTrue. |
fFalse | (optional) The value of f at xFalse. |
xTolerance | Success: When the absolute distance between xTrue and xFalse is less than this number, the function returns. |
maxIterations | Failure: When the algorithm has failed to produce a result after maxIterations bisections, an exception is thrown. |
A tuple containing values named xTrue, xFalse, fTrue, and fFalse, which satisfy
f(xTrue) == fTrue
f(xFalse) == fFalse
predicate(xTrue, fTrue) == true
predicate(xFalse, fFalse) == false
abs(xTrue-xFalse) <= xTolerance
// Find a root by bisection
auto r = bisect(
(real x) { return x^^3; },
(real x, real fx) { return fx < 0; },
-1.0L, 1.5L, 1e-10L
// Let's check if we got the right answer.
enum root = 0.0L;
assert (abs(r .xTrue - root) <= 1e-10);
assert (abs(r .xFalse - root) <= 1e-10);
assert (r .fTrue < 0);
assert (r .fFalse >= 0);
assert (abs(r .xTrue - r .xFalse) <= 1e-10);
assert (r .xNaN < 0);
assert (abs(r .xValid - r .xNan) <= 1e-6);